How to adjust PGS in the context of genetic ancestry ==================================================== ``pgscatalog-ancestry-ajust`` is a CLI application that `adjusts calculated PGS using genetic ancestry similarity data`_. .. _`adjusts calculated PGS using genetic ancestry similarity data`: The process requires some complex inputs. If you'd like to automatically adjust PGS in the context of genetic ancestry automatically, it's probably simplest to use the `PGS Catalog Calculator`_, which uses this application internally. .. _`PGS Catalog Calculator`: Installation ------------- :: $ pip install pgscatalog-calc Usage ----- The following inputs are needed: * PGS calculated on a target and reference population in long (melted) format (``--agg_scores``) * PGS must be calculated using the same set of variants (the intersection) * Input file structure is the same as the output from ``pgscatalog-aggregate`` * PCA derived from a reference population using `fraposa-pgsc`_ (``--ref_pcs``) * PCA for target population projected onto reference PCA using ``fraposa-pgsc`` (``--target_pcs``) * A relatedness cutoff file for the reference population (``--reference_related``) * A sample information file for the reference population containing genetic ancestry group labels (``--psam``, ``SuperPop`` column by default) * Text labels of the reference and target samples (``--reference`` and ``--dataset``), which must match the aggregated scoring file contents .. _`fraposa-pgsc`: :: $ pgscatalog-ancestry-adjust --agg_scores aggregated_scores.txt.gz \ --psam reference.psam \ --ref_pcs ref.pcs \ --target_pcs target.pcs \ --reference_related \ --dataset hgdp \ --reference reference \ --outdir ancestry_results Help ---- :: $ pgscatalog-ancestry-adjust --help